Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Weekly Check-In: 7 Weeks


How far along: 
7 weeks
How big is baby: Blueberry

Baby's brain -- both hemispheres! -- is growing fast, generating about one hundred new cells every minute. Arms and legs are emerging as joints start to form, and a permanent set of kidneys (baby's third!) is now in place.

Total weight gain:
 Ohmygeez... 4 pounds. But I had eaten and drank a huge amount of apple juice and water right before the appt. 
Maternity clothes?
Yep, full blown maternity clothes already!?!?!
Belly button in or out?
I was on vacation this past week so it was ahhhhmazing. I took two naps a day, but alas that ended.
Best moment of the week: 
Doctor's appt. 
Food cravings: 
Nothing really...
Food aversions: 
Mainly morning sickness, sore/enlarged breasts, cramping, gas, FATIGUE!!!
Thought that I was feeling baby move, but very unlikely. I felt Gabe at 14 weeks. I doubt a person is able to feel a blueberry move inside a huge muscle filled with tissue and blood.
Hoping for a girl :) But a boy would be great too. I have a feeling its a girl...just like when I had Gabe. But maybe it's just the desire, haha
What I'm looking forward to: 
Listening to it's heartbeat so I know it's okay. I hate this part of pregnancy when I have no clue whats going on in there. 
What I miss: 
Not feeling nauseous all.the.time.
Being Pregnant!
Next appointment: 
October 24th at 11am! We'll hear the heartbeat this appt. YAY!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Month 2 Doc. Appt.

Today was technically my first doctor's appt.

The actual first one was a urine test that said "hey you're not lying about the tests you took, our test also says you're pregnant".

But today's appt. was all about getting poked and proded.! The nurse asked me tons of questions, that went really quickly, because hell, two years ago we had answered the same questions. The only difference was the complications that I had with Gabe, were put down on the sheet. I told the nurse, I refuse to go on bedrest again. Haha, like that's my choice...but I would prefer to work until the baby pops out itself. Of course, I would also prefer not to hemorrhage after the baby pops out, but I can't always get what I want.

Okay off track. Anyways, the doctor came in. Did his thing, with the pap. He asked about my nausea, and I told him its off and on. Yesterday was pretty bad. I also told him I was pretty pissed to see people if front of me buying soda and candy with food stamps. Really people?!?!?! Can't use your own money for that? Sorry, a bit of a strong feeling about that one. The doc didn't realize they are allowed to buy that type of stuff... oh yes, they are. It's ridiculous.

Again, off track. I got a BUNCH of stuff from the doctors, including a whole box of a new type of diaper rash cream...SCORE. Then the other stuff is like diaper samples, magazines, pamplets. A shit ton of stuff. I love going through that stuff though, makes it real. Doctor said my uterus is growing appropriately. He also said that I have to limit how often I pick up Gabe now. No.Good. But I knew it was coming. I cramp horribly when I pick him up. But he's almost 35lb, so what do you expect.

Got my blood drawn, from both arms... and I scheduled my next appt. That was it. So I go in Oct. 24th which I will be 2 days shy of 11 weeks, and will likely hear the heartbeat. Yay!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weekly Check-In: 6 Weeks!


How far along: 
6 weeks
How big is baby: Sweet Pea
Growing like crazy, baby is starting to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, and chin. Those little hands and feet -- still webbed like paddles -- might wiggle by week's end, the heart is beating (almost twice as fast as yours!), and blood is starting to circulate.

Total weight gain:
 So far 0lbs. But I'm sure that won't last for long! I'm hoping to just gain 15 lb.
Maternity clothes?
Yep, full blown maternity clothes already!?!?!
Belly button in or out?
Not too bad. Unfortunately, when I wake up a few times a night to go pee and I toss and turn because it's already uncomfortable to lay on my stomach.
Best moment of the week: 
Making it another week. Getting Married. My Birthday is today :)
Food cravings: 
I really haven't craved too much this week. Just food in general
Food aversions: 
Meat really bothers me at times, but not as much as it was. I don't like chocolate anymore.
Mainly morning sickness, sore/enlarged breasts, cramping
Not even close!
Hoping for a girl :) But a boy would be great too. I have a feeling its a girl...just like when I had Gabe. But maybe it's just the desire, haha
What I'm looking forward to: 
Listening to it's heartbeat so I know it's okay. I hate this part of pregnancy when I have no clue whats going on in there. 
What I miss: 
Not feeling nauseous all.the.time.
Being Pregnant!
Next appointment: 
September 26th at 1:20pm. I'll be a few days shy of 7 weeks. EEKKKK!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

16 months!?!?!

I guess it's better late than never. Gabe turned 16 months on Saturday, Sept. 11th. I can't believe he's growing up so quickly.

I measured him on his new height chart. 33 1/2 inches tall. Umm WHAT?!?!?! Yep He's grown almost two full inches in a month. Talk about growth spurt. I haven't weighed him, but I would say he is around 34lbs. He was 32.5lb. He wears 3t shirts and 24/2t pants. And is in a 6 1/2 shoe, but I'm thinking by December it's going to be a 7 1/2. Whew....

What he's doing: Oh my, so much stuff. He climbs onto and into everything now. He will put his hand down on the ground to do a "head stand". And he points to things he is wanting. He loves to play peek-a-boo and will often cover himself up now. It's really funny when he does it with our curtains, since you can see through them already. But you see his big grin right before he goes "ahh" and moves the curtain, like "haha you can't see me, but I can see you and I'm going to scare you!"
He loves to feed the dog piece by piece of Wiggles' food, and laughs hysterically while doing it. He also likes to chase Wiggles and laughs even more when Wiggles gets upset. And lastly he loves to play fetch with Wiggles even though he usually throws the toy two feet away and right in front of Wiggles.
He's running like a champ. He points, claps, waves hi and bye, and is starting to use a fork, and can give a mean high five. He's also completely on sippies!!! Can we get a amen! He also will give lots of kisses, Boink your head (head butt, but softly), and snuggle when you ask him for it.

Words he's saying: Dada, Mama, Doggie, Up, No, Maaaa (Grandma), Hiya, ohhhhh, Owie, Uh-oh oh oh. He has started saying baybee (baby), but doesn't say it consistently. He understands a lot more words then he is able to say. For instance, when you say lets go night night he runs back into his room and gets ready to put on Pj's.

--Likes: Chicken Nuggets, Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Fries, Pizza, Spegetti, Ravioli's
--A lot of things. haha. He can be a picky eater a lot of the time, and will only eat a few bites. Pretty much anything slimmy or has a different type of texture. He loves cheese, but will spit it out after awhile of chewing on it.

He can throw a mean tantrum, and does it at least twice if not three times a day. And boy does he like to hit. He'll scream "NOOOOOO!" then bunch up his fist... wait to see if I'll react, then swats/punches me in the face or chest. Then waits again to see if I'll react. Ugh...I hate those tantrums!

I've found out not to leave Tigger anywhere, because he has been having a horrible time falling asleep without his Tigger. Boy he loves his Tigger. But, Elmo is sufficing right now, luckily.

His surgery is scheduled for October 7th at 7:30am. He is going to have tubes put in his ears, adenoidectomy (adenoids taken out, so he'll be able to breath through his nose) anfrenotomy (getting his ankyloglossia...aka tongue-tie clipped). It seems like a lot for a 16 month little boy. And I'm probably going to be a wreck when they take him from me. But he'll be in good hands, and hopefully it'll be a quick procedure. It'll be outpatient so we will be able to bring him home and comfort him. My mom is going to come down the night before the surgery and will be there until Sunday night or Monday morning. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Weekly Check-In: 5 Weeks


How far along: 
5 weeks
How big is baby: Appleseed
Your embryo (looking kind of like a tadpole) is starting to form major organs (heart, kidney, liver, stomach) and systems (nervous, circulatory, digestive). Baby's presence in your uterus triggers production of hCG (the hormone detected by pregnancy tests)... which triggers production of other hormones like estrogen and progesterone... which trigger all those great symptoms you've probably been noticing!

Total weight gain:
 So far 0lbs. But I'm sure that won't last for long! I'm hoping to just gain 15 lb.
Maternity clothes?
Truthfully, yes. I know it's pretty sad, but my other pants won't fit. I feel pretty redonkulous wearing maternity pants at only 5 weeks.
Belly button in or out?
Constantly. I'm so tired!
Best moment of the week: 
Doctor confirmation
Food cravings: 
Salads just like last time I was in first tri :)
Food aversions: 
Meat really bothers me. 
Gas (yeah I know, but its the truth), Nausea/Vomiting (aka Morning Sickness--which I DIDNT have with Roo), Sore BB's, and headaches, twinges/dull cramps
Not even close!
Hoping for a girl :) But a boy would be great too. I have a feeling its a girl...just like when I had Gabe. But maybe it's just the desire, haha
What I'm looking forward to: 
Listening to it's heartbeat so I know it's okay. I hate this part of pregnancy when I have no clue whats going on in there. 
What I miss: 
Not feeling nauseous all.the.time.
Being Pregnant!
Next appointment: 
September 26th at 1:20pm. I'll be a few days shy of 7 weeks. EEKKKK!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Boy or Girl???

This is what the OWT Chinese Gender Predictor said for Gabe....

This is what is says for this little bean:

It says it's 75% thinking is it's probably 50% right... since it's a 50/50 chance. Ahh well, I can only hope right? I would love to have a little girl. I want that bond that I have with my mother. But another little boy would be just as great. Gabe's awesome, and two of him would just be a riot!

Regardless I won't find out until the end of November to the beginning of December. Boo, I know. It's ages away.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I guess it can't get clearer than that!

So when I took the HPT (First Response Early Result) a line came up, but it wasn't as dark as the one I took with Gabe was. I was around 5-6 weeks pregnant with Gabe when I took the test, so of course it was going to be a lot darker than the one I took a few days ago at a 3w6d. Both tests I used FMU (first urine of the day). Here are the first tests I took. The top one was was when I was 9dpo and the bottom is 11dpo (dpo=days post ovulation, aka, when sperm met egg). Sorry it's kinda blurry....but a line is a line...

So today we went to Wal-mart and along with the baby's first outfit, we got digital pregnancy test. I came back to work, and took it. And imagine what popped up....

So I went and showed Josh and I think he feels its more real. It made it more real for me anyways

Weekly Check-In: 4 Weeks


How far along: 
5 weeks

How big is baby:

In week 4, now safe in your womb, the ball of cells (blastocyst) splits in two, becoming the embryo and the placenta. The amniotic sac and fluid are forming around baby, and will act as a cushion for the next eight months.

Total weight gain:
 So far 0lbs. But I'm sure that won't last for long! I'm hoping to just gain 15 lb.

Maternity clothes?
Nope, not yet... but I was in them around 9 weeks last time, so hopefully 7ish weeks this time. I love maternity clothes :)

Belly button in or out?

I'm tired constantly now. Usually I will stay up with Josh until about 2-3 am after Roo goes to bed but the past few nights it's been about 11:30pm right after Roo goes down. So I'm getting about 12 hours of sleep a night.

Best moment of the week: 
Getting a positive pregnancy test :)

Food cravings: 
Salads just like last time I was in first tri :)

Food aversions: 
Meat... again, and as usual. Chicken the other day really wanted to make me vomit.

Gas (yeah I know, but its the truth), Nausea/Vomiting (aka Morning Sickness--which I DIDNT have with Roo), Sore BB's, and headaches. *That seems like a lot for just being 4 weeks

Not even close!

Hoping for a girl :) But a boy would be okay too. I have a feeling its a girl...just like when I had Gabe. But maybe it's just the desire, haha

What I'm looking forward to: 

Listening to it's heartbeat so I know it's okay. I hate this part of pregnancy when I have no clue whats going on in there. 

What I miss: 
Not feeling nauseous all.the.time.

Being Pregnant!

Next appointment: 
September 9th @ 8:50am. My confirmation appt. I'm gonna see if doc will draw HcG levels for me, so I can know the levels.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Exciting News!!!

Yesterday I took a pregnancy test as soon as I got up. Two days ago it had been negative, so my thought process was that it would be negative again. My cycles are usually 30 days long, and I was only 11dpo, so day 28 of my cycle. I hadn't even missed my period yet. And there is was.... two beautiful lines. I was shaking. I was happy. I was ECSTATIC! Gabe is going to be a big brother! Josh, as usual, got really nervous. He still can't believe it. He's excited, but until we see the doctor, I don't think it will set it (which is how it was last time). We go see him for our first appt. on Friday, Sept. 9th at 8:50am, for a confirmation test and to set up my OB workup. It's so surreal. I mean, I feel pregnant. And it already feels different. I'm queasy. I didn't have MS with Gabe. So maybe it's an early sign for a girl :)....I am exactly 4 weeks today, and it's due date is May 16, 2012 (talk about timing...Gabe gets a brother or sister for his birthday) Okay so here are it's stats:

 In week 4, now safe in your womb, the ball of cells (blastocyst) splits in two, becoming the embryo and the placenta. The amniotic sac and fluid are forming around baby, and will act as a cushion for the next eight months.

Yep that's pretty much it. Haha, not much going on this week.