Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Weekly Check-In: 16 weeks (4 MONTHS)!!!1


How far along: 
16 weeks
How big is baby: Avacado
Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.

Total weight gain:
+7.5 pounds 
Maternity clothes?
Belly button in or out?
Getting worse. Sciatica pain is really starting to make me toss and turn and get up throughout the night. I still wake up 2-3 times to go to the bathroom, so on top of that--I maybe get 4-5 hours of sleep; 1-1 1/2 hours at a time.
Best moment this week:
Finding out our anatomy scan is Dec. 16th!
Food cravings: 
Fruit. Oh my goodness I had the best salad ever the other day too. It was from my favorite restaurant Players. I could eat that every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I lived close to there. Greek yummy. Ooops I had feta cheese haha...
Food aversions: 
Chocolate, onions, fried foods, meat
Sciatica (although it's getting better with the pelvic tilts my OB suggested), RLP, slight nausea with the food aversions I have, still have fatigue but it's getting better.
Yep! It's not every day, but I will get flutters (frogs jumping around) and one or two kicks every couple of days.
Thinking it's a girl, but trying not to get my hopes up!
What I'm looking forward to: 
Anatomy Scan by far. It's Dec. 16th at 2pm. But it'll be a secret until our family Christmas :-)... I'll be 18w2d
What I miss: 
Being able to walk without constant pain.
4 months down; 5 months to go; feeling small kicks, listening to it's wonderful heartbeat. Last night it was 152bpm
Next appointment: 
Anatomy Scan is Dec. 16th @2pm; Next Dr. appt is Dec. 19@12:20pm

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Weekly Check-In: 15 Weeks


How far along: 
15 weeks
How big is baby: Orange
Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now outmeasure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can't feel the movements.

Total weight gain:
+7.5 pounds 
Maternity clothes?
Belly button in or out?
Getting worse. Sciatica pain is really starting to make me toss and turn and get up throughout the night. I still wake up 2-3 times to go to the bathroom, so on top of that--I maybe get 4-5 hours of sleep; 1-1 1/2 hours at a time.
Best moment this week:
Scheduling my anatomy scan
Food cravings: 
Fruit. Oh my goodness I had the best salad ever the other day too. It was from my favorite restaurant Players. I could eat that every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I lived close to there. Greek yummy. Ooops I had feta cheese haha...
Food aversions: 
Chocolate, onions, fried foods.
Sciatica (ugh...worst pain ever--other than childbirth), RLP, slight nausea with the food aversions I have, still have fatigue but it's getting better.
Yep! It's not every day, but I will get flutters (frogs jumping around) and one or two kicks every couple of days.
Thinking it's a girl, but trying not to get my hopes up!
What I'm looking forward to: 
Anatomy Scan by far. It's Dec. 16th at 2pm. But it'll be a secret until our family Christmas :-)... I'll be 18w2d
What I miss: 
Being able to walk without constant pain.
Hearing & feeling baby; only 5 more weeks until I'm half way done!
Next appointment: 
Anatomy Scan is Dec. 16th @2pm; Next Dr. appt is Dec. 19@12:20pm

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Doctor Appointments, Sick Toddler, & Anatomy Scan--oh my!!!

Both Gabe and I had our check-up's today. Gabe had his 18 month check-up and I had my 15 week check-up.

I was worried about Gabe's speech because he only speaks a few words/phrases consistantly right now: daddy, oh dear, uh oh, no, and wiggle. He does say a few other words, but I've never heard him repeat them again or he won't use them but maybe once every week or two. Dr thinks all is well... after all he did have his tongue-tie surgery and tubes put in his ears only a month ago--therefore, he has to learn to talk all over again. It makes complete sense, but sometimes my nurse mode kicks in and says "the norm is 10 words at 18 months and he's not in the norm" blah blah blah. Anyway, Dr. thinks he's a happy, healthy, smart, little boy. He weighed in at 31.4lb & 34 1/2 inches tall. Alot smaller than I thought he was (he's HEAVY) and is in the 95%ile...which makes me one happy momma.

He does, however, have croup. He had it when he was 6 months old (a year ago to the week that he had it last time). Luckily, it's not as bad as last time and he only had to be put on predinsolone for a few days.

Doctor says I'm doing great. HR for baby was 148bpm and my uterus is measuring right at 15 weeks. I was figuring that he would schedule my U/S around the 6ish of Dec. because that's what GA he sent me in for with DS... but alas he wants it done around 18 weeks. I got into an argument with the scheduling lady because the Dr. put on my invoice sheet that he wanted it done in late Dec. but before Christmas. So she was going to schedule it for the 23rd of December. I told her he said I could have it when I was 18 weeks pregnant. She then got her little pregnancy wheel out and said well the 16th of December you'll be about 22 weeks pregnant. I said "uhh no.... the 16th I'll be 18w2d pregnant" she then said well she had the wheel so she saw it on there. I just shut up, but it's scheduled for the 16th of Dec @ 2pm.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday....

14 week bump picture (& Gabe)

18 Month Old Gabe

Gabe's First Drawer via crayons
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Weekly Check-In: 14 Weeks


How far along: 
14 weeks
How big is baby: Lemon
Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth.

Total weight gain:
+3 pounds (I'm sure it's more than that, but I pretty much refuse to weigh myself except for Dr. Appt...)
Maternity clothes?
Belly button in or out?
It's getting uncomfortable and I wake up a couple times a night to switch myself around, go pee, or RLP, but otherwise it's not too bad.
Best moment this week:
I'm T-4 days out of first trimester....

Food cravings: 
I have "at this moment" food cravings, they are starting to get more specific. It's mostly fruity type stuff. Pears, oranges...stuff like that.
Food aversions: 
They come and go. The biggest one is chocolate (which is so odd cause that's the only thing I craved with DS--so maybe this is a girl) oh and onions...  yuck.
RLP--round ligament pain, heartburn, some nausea, fatigue, mood swings, really vivid dreams
Yep! It's not every day, but I will get flutters (frogs jumping around) and one or two kicks every couple of days.
Thinking it's a girl, but trying not to get my hopes up!
What I'm looking forward to: 
Anatomy Scan, which should be the end of November/Being of December when I'm between 16-17 weeks. So only  3 weeks left!!!
What I miss: 
Not feeling so exhausted.
Second Trimester--the most beloved and awesome trimester ever!
Next appointment: 
November 22nd @ 10am-- We will schedule the anatomy scan at this appt. YAY!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Gabe: 18 Months

Age: 18 months

Weight/Length: 34lb/ 34 1/2 inches long [these are measurements from home; his 18 month check-up is November 22nd] so he is in the 99+ percentile! Such a big boy!

Size: He is in some 2t clothes, but mostly 3t clothes :( Where did my BABY go???

Teeth: He has 12. Just got all of his first molars in at the same time. His cuspids are trying to come in right now.

Sleeping: He's a champ when it comes to sleeping. He usually goes to bed around 11:15pm and wakes up around 11:00 am. At daycare he takes a 1 1/2 hour nap and on our days off he takes around a 3-4 hour nap.

Eating: He still loves his milk and prefers that to anything else. He will drink non-concentrate/no sugar added juice with water. His favorite meals are just like his momma! He loves spaghetti, pizza, chili, and sloppy joes. He also LOVES chicken nuggets. He really isn't too picky... except for veggies. He will eat pureed veggies, but not whole ones. Don't know how to get past that. 

Movement: Walking, running, crawling, climbing....NONSTOP movement!

Milestones: He's using the big boy potty chair. Not everytime--but quite a bit. He's even gone a whole night without peeing in his diaper and goes potty on the chair. We are super excited about this. We want him to be potty trained by the time our second is here. And we still have 6 months to go so that's a plus.

Favorite Toys: Tigger. He never goes anywhere without Tigger--including to stores, the bathroom, bed, daycare, to eat... literally everywhere.

Dislikes: Getting something taken away from him. If he gets into trouble he usually will hit or scream at one of us...then throw a huge tantrum and make a huge production out of it. Quite annoying and humorous at the same time.

He is doing so great with talking. I was starting to get worried, but it seems like as soon as he hit his 18 month mark, even though he will be delayed a little due to his tongue tie not getting noticed until 14 months, he is learning new words daily. The words he repeats include: Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle; momma; dadda; hiya; uh oh; oh dear; no; elmo; Tigger; baba; ball. He's also said a few times, but not constantly: doggie; granpa; thank you; your welcome..

**I'll add some pictures when I have the time/energy to upload them from our camera... **

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Weekly Check-In: 13 Weeks


How far along: 
13 weeks
How big is baby: Peach!
Your fetus is forming teeth and vocal cords... savor this, their non-functional phase. Baby is approaching normal proportions, with a head now only one third the size of the body. Intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy. (Much more convenient.)

Total weight gain:
+3 pounds (I'm sure it's more than that, but I pretty much refuse to weigh myself except for Dr. Appt...
Maternity clothes?
Belly button in or out?
It's getting uncomfortable and I wake up a couple times a night to switch myself around, go pee, or RLP, but otherwise it's not too bad.
Best moment this week:
This week I officially hit 2nd trimester. Yeah, yeah I know the technical weekage date is 13w3d BUT I'm saying... I'm in second trimester because it's 3 (almost two since I'm running late today) days away.
Food cravings: 
I have "at this moment" food cravings.
Food aversions: 
They come and go. Right now it's anything with vegetables, chocolate, and really anything super healthy... 
RLP--round ligament pain, heartburn, some nausea, fatigue
Yep! It's not every day, but I will get flutters (frogs jumping around) and one or two kicks every couple of days.
Thinking it's a girl, but trying not to get my hopes up!
What I'm looking forward to: 
Anatomy Scan, which should be around Dec. 6th-ish if I can plan it right :)
What I miss: 
Not feeling so exhausted.
Going into 2nd trimester--the most loved trimester of them all!
Next appointment: 
November 22nd @ 10am-- We will schedule the anatomy scan at this appt. YAY!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Weekly Check-In: 12 Weeks!


How far along: 
12 weeks
How big is baby: Plum
As you move into the second trimester, baby shifts into the growth and maturation stage. After weeks in the critical development stage, almost all of baby's systems are fully formed.

Total weight gain:
+3 pounds
Maternity clothes?
Belly button in or out?
It's getting uncomfortable and I wake up a couple times a night to switch myself around, but otherwise it's not too bad.
Best moment this week:
Not really pregnancy related, but moving into our new 10x bigger place :) Gabe is super excited and runs constantly.
Food cravings: 
I have "at this moment" food cravings.
Food aversions: 
They come and go. Right now it's anything with vegetables.
RLP--round ligament pain; even bigger boobs, fatigue, some nausea; but that's slowly going away, movement!
Yep! It's not every day, but I will get flutters (frogs jumping around) and one or two kicks every couple of days.
Thinking it's a girl, but trying not to get my hopes up!
What I'm looking forward to: 
Anatomy Scan, which should be around Dec. 6th-ish if I can plan it right :)
What I miss: 
Not feeling so exhausted.
Getting to 3 months! Going into my 4th month... And one more week of the dreaded first trimester.
Next appointment: 
November 22nd @ 10am-- We will schedule the anatomy scan at this appt. YAY!

Halloween 2011

A few days late, but at least I'm posting right? So here is a photo dump of Halloween 2011


Our Little Pumpkin

Our Little Monkey 
Getting ready to go Trick-or-Treating

Our Monkey & Our Pumpkin

Daddy & Monkey Man

Monkey & Tigger

Getting a little happy... he was kind upset most of the night

Going for a stroll

Milkway-- yumm mmm

Tootsie roll time baby!

Pixi Stix