Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Weekly Check-In: 33 Weeks!


How far along: 
33 weeks
How big is baby: Honeydew
Baby's keeping her eyes open while awake. She's also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing.

Total weight gain:
+22.5 pounds
Maternity clothes?
Belly button in or out?
OUT and it hurts... I seem to catch it on almost everything!
What's sleep again??? I wake up to go to the bathroom about every hour to hour and a half... I have to roll over every 30 minutes or my arms fall asleep. It's a battle to get this stuff they call sleep.
Best moment this week: 
Getting new maternity clothes! I finally have shirts that cover my belly again.
Food Cravings: 
None really. Milk... I love milk when I'm pregnant!
Food Aversions:
Carbonated beverages.
Insomnia, lower back and hip pain (to the point where I can't walk in the morning), crazy dreams, hemorrhoids, and all the other usuals. Heartburn is back with a vengeance...even taking zantac twice a day--I'm still having to pop but hopefully that means she has just as much or MORE hair then our Gabriel did. :-) She has hiccups all.the.time!!!! Also started having BH contractions...and some real ones too.
She's my strong crazy girl. She usually keeps my belly looking all crazy and lopsided. She loves curling into the left side, but I don't get much kicks anymore because she's SOOOO BIG. So I usually just see her movements and feel her rolling moving legs and arms. She has TONS of hiccups, which Gabe had a lot of them too. I don't remember Gabe's being sooo powerful, because hers hurt sometimes. 

Miss Kellie Rain
What I'm looking forward to: 
Gabe's reaction to his sister. He loves babies, and I think he knows one is coming soon. 

What I miss: 
Sleep, Energy, Fitting into clothes....

One month until full term (which is when I delivered Gabe) and 7 weeks until due date! It's going by so fast!
Next appointment: 
April 2nd @ 11am!!! :-)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Weekly Check-In: 32 Weeks/8 Months!


How far along: 
31 weeks
How big is baby: Pineapple!
Baby may have turned so she’s in the head-down position by now, poised for her trip down the birth canal. And you may have noticed your nipples looking darker. That’s so a preemie can see them for breastfeeding -- isn't your body so amazing? 

Total weight gain:
+22.5 pounds (Yes....I lost 3 1/2 pounds)
Maternity clothes?
Belly button in or out?
About the same... pure suckiness. Once I get comfortable, I'm out... but lately I'm waking up with horrid heartburn and have to sit up for awhile, then try to lay back down. Ugh....
Best moment this week: 
Less than 10 weeks. This week makes it only 6 weeks (5 1/2 now) until I hit the "full term" mark and 9 (8 1/2) until my EDD, which I doubt I'll make it to. Soooo....less then two months until I meet the little one! YAY! 
Food Cravings: 
None really. Milk... I love milk when I'm pregnant!
Food Aversions:
Carbonated beverages.
Insomnia, lower back and hip pain (to the point where I can't walk in the morning), crazy dreams, hemorrhoids, and all the other usuals. Heartburn is back with a vengeance...even taking zantac twice a day--I'm still having to pop but hopefully that means she has just as much or MORE hair then our Gabriel did. :-)
She's my strong crazy girl. She usually keeps my belly looking all crazy and lopsided. She loves curling into the left side, but I don't get much kicks anymore because she's SOOOO BIG. So I usually just see her movements and feel her rolling moving legs and arms. She has TONS of hiccups, which Gabe had a lot of them too. I don't remember Gabe's being sooo powerful, because hers hurt sometimes. 

Miss Kellie Rain
What I'm looking forward to: 
Gabe's reaction to his sister. He loves babies, and I think he knows one is coming soon. 

What I miss: 
The energy I had to play with Gabe....

8 months pregnant! Still not on bedrest!!!! Only 2 months to go!

Next appointment: 
April 2nd @ 11am!!! :-)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Weekly Check-In: 31 weeks (2 days late) oops...


How far along: 
31 weeks
How big is baby: Pineapple!
SHe's about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds this month. She's getting so big, she's probably crowding your lungs. 

Total weight gain:
+26 pounds
Maternity clothes?
Belly button in or out?
It sucks. Plain and simple. Luckily, when I do get comfortable enough to stay sleep I usually don't wake up until Gabe wakes me up in the morning. But I have insomnia bad and I used to go to bed around it's more like 3 and sometimes 4, so I'm exhausted a lot of the time.
Best moment this week: 
Less than 10 weeks. This week makes it only 6 weeks (5 1/2 now) until I hit the "full term" mark and 9 (8 1/2) until my EDD, which I doubt I'll make it to. Soooo....less then two months until I meet the little one! YAY! 
Food Cravings: 
I've kind of grown out of the oreo vaccination. But I don't really have a replacement.
Food Aversions:
Carbonated beverages. Others come and go on a day to day basis. 
Insomnia, lower back and hip pain (to the point where I can't walk in the morning), crazy dreams, hemorrhoids, and all the other usuals. No more heartburn as I was approved to take Zantac. I have to take one in the morning and one before bed to combat this heartburn, but hopefully that means she has just as much or MORE hair then our Gabriel did. :-)
She's my strong crazy girl. She usually keeps my belly looking all crazy and lopsided. She loves curling into the left side, but I don't get much kicks anymore because she's SOOOO BIG. So I usually just see her movements and feel her rolling moving legs and arms. She has TONS of hiccups, which Gabe had a lot of them too. I don't remember Gabe's being sooo powerful, because hers hurt sometimes. 

Okay...since I never really felt this with Gabe, I was wondering if anyone else was feeling this sometimes. So Kellie's head is pretty engaged, I feel like I'm walking with a watermelon between my legs. But if I squat down/bend over, I feel these pops down there--like inside. It's almost like her water is bubbling up around her head. It's so weird feeling and sounding. 
Miss Kellie Rain
What I'm looking forward to: 
Lots of things actually. I'm looking forward to meeting baby girl in just two short months...well hopefully short. I'm looking forward to being able to play and run around with Gabe again. I'm looking forward to sleeping on my tummy/back. I'm looking forward for this just to be over so we can get into our routine...
What I miss: 
Definitely still playtime with Gabe. And it's so hard to put him to bed anymore :( And that was our special time... I'm in the mindset that I'm a huge fat whale with feet. And I have a feeling I'm going to feel like that for awhile. I've already had to buy BIGGER maternity clothes because my belly kept showing. Ugh...
I'm in the last 10 weeks. And almost 8 months pregnant!
Next appointment: 
March 19th, 2012 @ 11am

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Carseat Cover!

I'm super excited! The carseat cover I ordered from SassyStork came in today! I'm sooo in love with it! Here are some pictures!

I ordered the "Deluxe" version which includes the car seat cover, headrest, strap covers, canopy, and the handle pad. I also requested that the inside of the canopy be lined with material as well! Overall, I'm in love with it...if you haven't figured that out yet! I placed my order on the 22nd and I received it today, which is awesome in itself, as I wasn't expecting it until April-ish. She is a stay at home mommy, and she is amazing with her customers. So if your looking for a custom carseat cover--go to her! She can pretty much make everything possible! :-) Or at least she did for me!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Weekly Check-In: 30 Weeks! 3/4 done!


How far along: 
30 weeks
How big is baby: English Cucumber...
At 30 weeks, she’s not just moving a lot, she’s also plumping up. And as she continues to put pressure on your digestive system, you’re going to feel the effects: hemorrhoids, heartburn, pelvic pain and frequent urination are all common at this stage in the game.

Total weight gain:
+26 pounds
Maternity clothes?
Belly button in or out?
Lets not talk about this topic, mmmm kay?
Best moment this week: 
Making it to week 30? I don't really have a best most per say. Ummm, well today I got an email that her carseat cover has been shipped. That's super exciting. 
Food Cravings: 
Oreos. This little girl LOVES them. :) 
Food Aversions:
Carbonated beverages. Others come and go on a day to day basis. Oh I'm not sure if it's necessarily an aversion, because I'm not eating it, but left over foods make me gag...just looking at them. Blech!
Insomnia, lower back and hip pain (to the point where I can't walk in the morning), crazy dreams, hemorrhoids, and all the other usuals. No more heartburn as I was approved to take Zantac. I have to take one in the morning and one before bed to combat this heartburn, but hopefully that means she has just as much or MORE hair then our Gabriel did. :-)
I'm pretty sure she's going to bust out of my belly at any time. I don't remember Gabe moving this much, but I can almost grab a foot and hold onto it. She is constantly sticking some body part out for me to rub. Oh and I think she's head down, because I feel her hiccups in the netherlands... which is kinda weird to feel vibrations down there coming from the inside.
Miss Kellie Rain
What I'm looking forward to: 
SLEEP!!! I know... that's kinda selfish. But I miss being able to sleep comfortably. I understand I won't get much sleep after she's born, but I can actually SLEEP because I'll be able to lay on my stomach again. It was this way with Gabe too... I remember just waiting to be able to lay on my stomach again, which was hard afterwards because of my big boobs, and when my milk came in... but if not my stomach, then my back. I hate side sleeping.
What I miss: 
Not feeling so exhausted. I wish I could give 100% to Gabe again. I love our cuddles, which we still do a lot...but not very comfortably. I miss having the energy to get up and run and play with him. It takes me 10 minutes to get up off the floor...
3/4 the way done! And even better...I'm not stuck at home! Doctor says I'm doing great, he is concerned about my BP though, even thought at the last appt. (Monday) it wasn't too high, but maybe too high while on BP meds. Not sure. I'm starting the every 2 week appt. now :) And soon it'll be weekly! Then we'll have a baby girl to love on. 
Next appointment: 
March 19th, 2012 @ 11am

30 Week Bump!