Tuesday, May 10, 2011

T minus 1 day...

As of right now, 10:30 a.m., I would have been 4 1/2 hours into my induction, a year ago.

We walked into that hospital last year on no sleep. We couldn't sleep. We couldn't stop talking. We were too excited. Too nervous. We had been waiting 9 long months, some okay and some not...

My pregnancy had been a rollercoaster. I had absolutely no morning sickness (thank goodness), maybe a bout of nausea, but that was it. Everything always looked good, until one fateful night I was 28 weeks pregnant. I was at work, and stressed to the max....and then I got dizzy, and almost passed out. I was sweating, my heart was racing, and my blood pressure was quite high (160/95); I called my boss, and Josh's boss had given him the okay to leave. We headed to the hospital. I cried... I cried so, so very hard and I called my mom. Something was wrong, I told her...

I got to L&D, and was monitored for a few hours, then allowed to go home once my blood pressure had subsided. The following Monday I saw my doctor. + for protein in my urine, I was diagnosed with pre-eclamsia and PIH.

I went the L&D 3 more times throughout my pregnancy. Twice at my own hospital, and Once at MU hospital-which was a overnight stay.

I fought hard to keep you in as long as possible, until I was induced at full term. I was on bedrest from March 13th to May 11th... 2 short days to complete 2 months.

Anyways, back to the induction. At 6 a.m. we had walked into L&D by 7:30a.m. all was well and the cytotec had been placed. I started having contractions by then, and they were coming full blown by 8:00a.m. I was happy. So incredibly happy. Yes, it hurt.... but it was working, and that's what we feared would not happen. I was having contractions on top of contractions, the nurse said we'd have a baby by the end of her shift (7 that evening). My face included a smile from ear to ear. This was going to be a lot easier then I thought. Then she gave me some Fentanyl, because my contractions were non stop and my uterus was pretty much quivering. A wonderful drug, yet I blame it for the the delay.

Before getting all prepared to start the induction

Yes....I was a bus, a whale...I was huge

Josh--acting like he was asleep...he wasn't :) he tried to though....

My contractions tapered off, so I got another round of Cytotec. Which did nothing. By 9p.m. that night... I wasn't having regular contractions. My doctor came in, and I was at a 4; 70% effaced. They gave me Ambien to put me to sleep. At 8 a.m. the next morning, we were on to Pitocin. I laughed at the doctor....and said "Bring it on, I'm super woman right now", needless did I know... 

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